Taha Tinana (Physical Wellbeing)
I've found exercise and doing the hard tasks early in the morning very beneficial this year, putting in the hard yards on the body has made me feel mentally stronger especially on the days when i don't feel like doing it. Caring for my body in a better manner, like stretching and eating properly throughout the day has allowed me to focus more clearly! I've pretty much cut out dairy, gluten, refined sugars and have found my wellbeing this year to be in a much better place! Its tough work but rewarding!
Taha Whānau (Family Wellbeing)
Have a great family and friend group with a lot of amazing people around me that are always their for each other. Been very important trying to expand on relationships with people i am close to this year
Taha Hinengaro (Emotional and Mental Wellbeing)
I've incorporated a lot into a discipline this year which has been so affective and i've really enjoyed, it's not always easy but it's made the world of difference and has become so much easier to control as the months have gone on. I never enjoyed who i was when i was drinking, especially because i would try and drink too much and keep up with everyone and be hungover throwing up every weekend and never changed it. Getting out of that loop and not trying to please people just because "everyone else is drinking" has been huge. The other massive change has been the power of meditation, positive self-talk and gratitude which i was never good at, it's turned my mental wellbeing completely around and recommend all of these changes highly.
Taha Wairua (Spiritual Wellbeing)
I'm not the most spiritual person or have any religious beliefs but i'm trying to understand myself more, become more aware of everything happening around me and finding a purpose in life towards a bigger sense of joy.