Using NextJS on a brand new website, using Acernity UI, Tailwind, & Framer-motion - now live! My second ever live website for a friend.
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Testing out NextJS on a wesbite revamp, using Acernity UI, Tailwind, & Framer-motion - in progress, awaiting further information.
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Trying to improve my ReactJS skills on a wesbite revamp, using Bootstrap, Tailwind, & Framer-motion - now live! My first ever live website for a friend.
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Trying to improve my ReactJS skills straight out of Dev Academy on a first-time website, using Bootstrap, & Framer-motion - not complete; never received further information, photos etc.
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Trying to improve my Full-Stack skills straight out of Dev Academy, an item tracking application to see who you've lent your items to - not complete; need to go back & start again to regain my skills along with using the new skills i've learnt.
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Final group project at Dev Academy, a friend booking application where you can view when you/your friends are available for a catch up - I spent a big role trying to make the app responsive.
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Start of my learning Journey at Dev Academy, starting with the basics of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.
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Trying to improve my skills before study, completing one of my first design concepts for a family members business.
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One of my first ever projects completed through FreeCodeCamp.
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